I lay in bed last night thinking, I wanted to get to the nitty-gritty and the reality of who Jesus is to me! So, I asked Him and then I patiently waited for an answer.
I thought about the words in Revelation 21:6 where Jesus said, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." And, then the Lord began to answer, He said, "I was, I am and I will always be the authority and origin of life itself. I was there at your beginning, even before you were established and created. I am and will be with you at the conclusion of this physical life for, I am your first eternal breath."
I was literally stunned and amazed as I truly realized that Jesus is my beginning and will be my end here on earth. Marvelously, He will be my first eternal "breath of life," just as He was my first breath in this physical life. Consequently I will live forever with Him.
When I actually thought about these words, it all became so palpable, so evident and so very real to me. My Lord, my Savior, my Jesus is EVERYTHING to me. He sustains, comforts and preserves me.
When I came to Jesus, He made all things new in me. My life became a new creation in Him and all the old "stuff" in me began to crumble.
If you know Jesus personally and believe His Word -- He has done the same for you! And, if you don't know Him, He waits patiently for you to accept and believe His promises for you.
Jesus is the Alpha (beginning), the Omega (ending) and He is everything in between!
Sometimes, it's all so much to grasp -- I only have glimpses of Heaven from God's Word, but I know there is so much more that I haven't even begun to comprehend!!
I am excited and I am hungry to know Him more each day. I am thirsty to know and make Jesus fully alive in my soul!!
Friends, there is so much to learn about our Lord and He bids us come. Oh, I pray we will come and sit at His feet, as we digest and absorb ALL that He is!!
My Jesus is truly everything to me and I want more of Him every day!