Jesus gathered His disciples together on the night before his betrayal and imminent death, because He wanted to prepare them for the days ahead. They believed Him to be the Messiah, the promised deliverer but they still did not know how He was going to fulfill that pardon and redemption.
The disciples were somewhat alarmed when they heard that Jesus would be leaving them and that they could not go with Him. Jesus continued to address His disciples with the words, "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
So, let's attempt to break down these powerful words and truths. First and foremost; I Am!
When He spoke to them about His going away He said, "Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me: and as I said unto the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come..." John 13:33 The disciples did not comprehend that Jesus was speaking of His death and ascension to Heaven. Peter stated that he would follow Jesus wherever He went and that he would even lay down his life for Him.
Jesus calmly continued to teach His disciples, speaking more plainly about Heaven and telling them about a place He was preparing for them. John 14:1-3 He said, "You know where I am going" but Thomas quickly said, "We do not know where you are going, so how can we follow you there." John 14:4
So Jesus answered with one of the noted "I Am" statements. In the Greek language this is a very profound and powerful way of speaking about one's self. In the book of Matthew 22:32 Jesus quotes Exodus 3:6 where God uses the same strong words to say, "...I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob..."
Jesus again stated in, John 8:58 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. So, the Jewish leaders definitely knew that Jesus was equating Himself to God and in doing so they declared that Jesus was committing blasphemy.
When the soldiers came for Jesus in the garden, Jesus again said, "I Am He!" His words were so powerful that the soldiers fell backwards to the ground. John 18:6
So, Jesus was, is and always will be, "The Great I AM!" What does that mean for each of us?? His words declare and mirror the exact name of God in Hebrew, which is Yaweh. And, this means, "to be" or "the self-existing one." Jesus was in fact, claiming as His own, ALL power and authority!
We can trust Jesus to be "the Great I AM" and we can depend on Him to be all that we need to live and function while we journey here on earth. There is no greater power than in "the Name of Jesus" and there is command and mastery in His own authority!!
My friend, you can trust Jesus today!! He will not, He can not fail you! He truly is "The Great I Am!"