This is a very short story about a young man who was hit by a bus and thrown through a store window. He soon became aware of the fact that he was thrown into the future.
A future where communal and interactive games had become so addictive that society was in collapse, people were no longer working, litter was everywhere and buildings were in decay. Humanity was now living in a "counterfeit world" that did not exist except in virtual reality.
To keep prisoners manageable, they were plugged into this "new world of simulation," where nothing was authentic. Life became a series of false realities that many became addicted too.
The young man was so enamored and addicted, he was judged as insane as he told about his bogus life. I am a real cowboy, I wear a red bandanna, chaps, a cowboy hat and boots. I own a red pickup truck as well as a horse and I ride off into the sunset on many nights.
The story ends with him absorbed and content to live his life in a virtual Wild West scenario as a cowboy -- never to re-enter his real life again.
- source and author unknown
We may not have believed this story when it was written (I believe it was written in the early 1970's), but it is easy to understand now that we live in an artificial era of computer technology. While I am not knocking progress, I believe we should all be aware of where it could take us.
And, I am not disparaging the computer age or technology, simply because as you can see -- I use it! I use Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends all around the nation. I play games, at times maybe a little more than I should and I enjoy writing my blog.
Here is my concern -- if we are not careful we could be setting ourselves up to live in what I believe is "a fool's paradise!" So connected to a fictitious world that we become deceived and lose sight of everything true and authentic.
Satan would like nothing more than to steal our daily walk with Jesus only to deceive us with a mutated and warped reality! His mission is to redirect our attention, to eradicate abundant living and betray us.
Jesus is the true and only giver of life! He wants us to be full of His joy and love -- sharing it with everyone we meet... with one requirement, it has to be REAL in your life!!