As Christians, I trust we have all "anchored our faith and hopes" in Christ Jesus, so that when the storms of life abound we are safe in His hands! The faith and hope we have and hold dear to us, is an anchor for our lives that keeps us safe and secure, especially in difficult times!
An anchor that is fixed upon a short rope allows a boat to drift only a short distance, before it tugs the vessel back to the center where it belongs. It is the same with our anchor in Christ Jesus, we must learn to keep our thoughts, our speech and our very consciousness close to Him, so that He becomes the very anchor of our souls.
I know very well when I am getting off course and straying from the will of God. The Holy Spirit that lives within me gives that small tug that says I need to pull back and get back on course. He is our God given guide that will keep us from wandering to far away from where the Lord would have us to be.
Having run to Jesus for my very life, I have grabbed hold of this anchor with both hands and will never let go again. I now have a spiritual life-line for my soul, that reaches past all appearances into the very presence of God, where Jesus entered first on mine and your behalf.
There are times when life will overwhelm us, but if we learn to keep a short line and anchor to our Lord Jesus, He will take us through whatever we are facing! Do not panic if you find yourself far out in a storm, just take a deep breath and pray.
God is so willing to help you! You just have to stay close to the center of His will for your life!!
Remember, this world is not our final home, but while we are here I wish you happy sailing, while keeping your ship on course!
SONG BELOW: I've Anchored in Jesus