If I were to say that I was free from sin, I would not only be lying, I would also be a fool. On the other hand, if I admit my sin and change my course, God will forgive me and he will refashion my heart.
God's justice is about a desire for us to be whole. He sent his only Son, Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and purge us of any and all wrongdoing.
Knowing God will forgive is not a reason to continue in our sin. Romans 6:1 We are to leave the country where sin is self-governing and if we leave, is it possible to dwell in our old home there? No!
When our baptism took us under the water, we left the old country of sin behind. When we came up and out of the water, we entered a whole new country of mercy and grace. We started a new life in a new land!!
However, we are finding that even Christians have no stomach for solid and accurate Biblical teaching, simply because they are filling up on spiritual junk food and cunning opinions that "tickle their fancy." We have become a people that have turned our backs on the truth and are now chasing mirages.
Sadly, as we drift further away from God's Word, we become weak and spiritually blinded. Sooner than later we find ourselves on a pathway of evil and destruction, having lost our cherished relationship with the Lord.
The very evidence is seen in the recent Supreme Court ruling for same-sex marriage. Our country which was founded on Godly principles has turned its back on the truth and is now chasing mirages.
There may be a lot of talk about God's love these days, but His love does not negate His justice. If we repent, God will forgive our sins and He will also transform our lives... if we let Him.
Do you remember that time Elijah was agonizing over this same Israel and cried out in prayer? God, they murdered your prophets, they trashed your altars; I’m the only one left and now they’re after me!
And, do you remember God’s answer? "I still have seven thousand who haven’t quit, Seven thousand who are loyal to the finish."
Well, the same is true today! There is a fiercely loyal few, maybe more than we realize and they are holding on. They are convinced of God's grace and His purpose in choosing them. They are passionately seeking the Lord in fasting and prayer.
So I ask you, what does your heart say? Do you long to draw closer to the Lord, for what might be the last hope for our nation?? Will you keep your eyes and ears open on what you are doing? Will you keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Message of Hope alive?? Will you do a thorough job as God's servant?