Psalm 9:13,14
In telling my story on February 26th, I told about the healing I had received from the memories that once haunted me. I also laid out three simple steps for others to start a recovery process in their own lives.
The first step was to rejoice; learning to praise God in the midst of the trials is not always easy, but it is such an important step in the cleansing of your memories. Only God can take the memories that bind you to your past. Only He can restore and make you whole once more and it starts with rejoicing -- praising Him.
So what is rejoicing? How do we praise God?
While our relationships with God are very personal and we each praise and worship in our own way. The most important framework, if it is to be accepted by God, is that we are sincere and that we praise Him with our whole hearts.
There were times that I was so miserable, I simply did not know how to praise God. Times when my depression dragged me into pits so deep, I could do nothing but weep and mourn.
However, I knew God and I knew that His promises were true. I could trust Him to restore what others had stolen from me. And, If I could only say the precious name of "Jesus" I knew He would hear my cries and He would heal me.
God knew me and He knew my heart! In fact, He knew me better than I knew myself. He honored my pitiful attempts to know Him more, to trust Him more and to love Him more.
He took the years that the were stolen from me and promised that He would restore them to me. He would heal me and He would heal the deep wounds that were raw and festering.
I would no longer be an outcast, alone and forsaken. He would lift me up and out of the bottomless pit I was in.
My God, He who created the heavens and the earth. He who saw me in my mother's womb. He who sent his only son Jesus to die for my sins. He would rescue and restore me.
He would be my Lord and I would be His child forevermore. He would
take me by my hand and lead me into His righteousness.
My friend, Jesus took my shame, my sorrow and my past. His precious blood cleansed them all, when He was on the cross! And, He has done the same for you!
Will you come to Him today? If you can only say the Name of Jesus, He will be there for you!
Will you trust Him? Will you give Jesus a chance to lead you out of the pain and the sorrows you carry this day?