Have you heard of the "Stockholm Syndrome?" It is a psychological phenomenon in which prisoners or hostage victims express empathy or sympathy towards their captors... even after they have been set free. These victims have developed feelings during captivity to the point of defending or identifying with their captors.
Of course these feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. However... their lives are still imprisoned and they don't even realize it.
There are Christians who sometimes suffer a similar syndrome -- I will call it "Satan's Syndrome!" We live in a world where sin reigns -- it beats us down, it drowns us in things like alcohol, drugs and sex, it also steals any peace or joy we might have. Within minutes it can quickly and effortlessly produce fear, doubt and worry.
Without even realizing it and until we come to Christ Jesus, we adapt to the ways of this world and we become prisoners of it! We are use to just getting by -- hoping we will stand up to all the pressures we face on a daily basis.
Even when we know that Jesus has "completed a work in us that sets us free" we still continue to live in bondage. We try and we try... we are continuously asking the Lord to free us from the burdens we bear or remove the chains that seem to bind us -- stealing any and all of our abundant living in Christ jesus!
God's Holy Word states: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36 No longer are we captives of this world and satan himself -- we now belong to the King of Kings!! And, we are freed in Jesus Christ!! We need not live in the bondage that satan would keep us in!
Christ Jesus is waiting to shower grace and kindness upon us. Our salvation is complete in Him and the work HE did on the cross! All we do is trust Him enough to let that work be done in us -- from start to finish! We can do nothing to save ourselves! We do not play the major role in this part of life! We neither make nor save ourselves!
With our Salvation, Jesus promised us freedom in Him! Don't listen to the "father of lies!" Learn to hear that still, small voice of our Father in Heaven!! If you truly believe that the blood of Christ Jesus has done a completed work -- you will truly be free and you will be able to shout with complete confidence: "Amazing Grace - My Chains are GONE!!
Listen to this beautiful song and let it minister the freedom you so deserve to know: (If video does not work, click on link or cut and paste to url) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPrMcaYSOjs