Fifty eight years ago "In God we trust" was adopted as the official motto of the United States. We sing it in our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" and we see it everyday in United States currency.
However, there are many seniors who know, that it only takes a fleeting moment to look at our United States of America and wonder, "When did we stop trusting God?" Our God, whose trust meant everything to so many has been and is now being removed from all that truly was "America!"
My heart aches for America and often I ask myself, "Am I trusting God fully and completely?" There are so many defeated-Christians now a day, Christians who do not wholly trust in the faith that our forefathers passed down and meant for us to hold close to our hearts.
Long ago I found myself a defeated-Christian. I was overwhelmed with a loved one who did not have a relationship with the Lord and at the time was very ill.
I would cry out to God, I would pray and still I agonized over the entire situation. One night I called a friend to pray with me. I asked if we could get a group of ladies, prayer warriors who would seek the Lord with me. Sadly, she told me there was no one she knew who would gather for such a reason.
My heart broke, I decided I would pray and seek God until He had an answer for me. I spent many nights awake seeking the Lord until one night I heard from Him.
God, in that still small voice, softly spoke these words, "Cast your burden upon me!"
My mind quickly went to that Bible verse, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7"
It was the word "Cast" that really caught my attention, so I looked it up in the dictionary, the following is what I found:
CAST (kast, kahst)
verb (used with object), cast, cast·ing.
1. to throw or hurl; fling: The gambler cast the dice.
2. to throw off or away: He cast the advertisement in the wastebasket.
Now, I knew what "cast" meant -- but when I read the words, "throw, hurl; fling" I knew immediately why I wasn't actually and absolutely trusting God! I finally realized what I had been doing wrong.
First - I never really flung away my fears. I never thrust those cares to God, I would pray earnestly, but when I was through -- I continued to carry the burden. When you cast a fishing line, you let it go as far into the water as possible. When you cast your burdens you must do the same thing!
Second - I wanted, no I needed others to share my heavy burden. I wanted them to know the urgency I felt and the heavy burden I carried. When there was no one -- I began to doubt and that only brought more fear. I had to learn that I could take my problems to Jesus -- I could cast them, even heave them into His arms and my Lord would carry them for me. He would even carry me if need be.
Instantly and rapidly I was at ease, the burden didn't cease to be -- but it was now in the arms of Jesus and I was at peace. It was a peace like I had never known and it was thoroughly comforting to my heart, mind and soul.
Of course Satan would try to bring it to my mind for the sole purpose of me worrying... but I just cast it back to the Lord. I told that old devil he would now have to speak to Jesus about this problem -- and I felt that peace all over again!!
Friend, if you are struggling with difficulties beyond your ability -- cast them out to Jesus. He is waiting to carry them for you. Jesus wants your life to be one of peace and not anxiety.
Learn to lean on Jesus -- Learn of His Love for you -- Learn of the peace that only He can give!! God's Word promised you this peace when Jesus spoke these words: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27"
Will you trust Jesus completely today?