Matthew 22:36-40
News reporters are always looking for a story, there was one particular newsman who determinedly sought out God to ask Him if he would give him an interview. God's is exceedingly available and immediately said, "Why yes, I am always ready and eagerly available to talk with most anyone"!
The inquiring reporter asked God, his first question. "What is the one thing that surprises you about mankind"?
God Answered:
"Actually my child there are many things, but I am never surprised by any of their actions!"
Then the Newsman asked, "What upsets you about humanity"?
God hesitated a moment and then answered,
"My son there are several things that concern me:
Why do most individuals get bored of being a child, they are always in a scramble to grow up, and then long to be children again!
They also lose their health to make money and then they lose their money to restore their health.
Very often they think anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live neither for the present or the future.
And, they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had never lived..."!
God's hands took hold of the news-mans as they just stood there silently.
After a long period, the columnist stated, "May I ask just a few more significant questions?"
God just replied with a big grin on His face.
The reporter asked, "As a Father, what are the most meaningful things you would you ask your children to grasp hold of?"
God Answered:
"My son there is an abundance of things, I would have my children learn!
I would like them to learn that what is most valuable is not what they have in their lives but who they have in their lives.
To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.
And, To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons they love and that it takes many years to heal them.
Clearly, God paused He seemed a little sad as He waited for the next question.
Respectfully, the journalist asked: "What are some valuable lessons society should know?"
God Answered:
They must know the importance of loving one another!
Humanity needs to know that they should control their attitudes, otherwise it will control them.
They need to know how to forgive one another. For if they do not forgive, neither will I forgive them.
They also need to know that it is not always enough that they are forgiven by others, but that they ought to forgive themselves."
The correspondent had more questions and asked: "Many people seem to lack happiness, what would you say to them?"
God gladly answered:
He said "Money can buy most anything, except happiness. And, no matter how much money they have, they always seem to need a little bit more.
I would that they know true friends are scarce, and he or she who has found a friend has found a true treasure!
Also, true happiness is not to achieve their goals, but to learn to be satisfied with what they already have achieved.
Happiness is a decision, they must decide to be happy with who they are and what they have or else they will die from envy and jealousy of what they lack.
The next question asked was, "What about love should they all know?"
God Graciously Answered:
To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they gossip they will harvest schemes and lies; if they plant love they will reap a harvest of joy.
To learn that there are persons that love them dearly, but simply do not know how to show their feelings.
To learn that even though they may think they have nothing to give, when a friend cries with them they find the strength to appease the pain with their love.
To learn that by trying to hold on to loved ones, they very quickly push them away; and by letting go of those they love... will be by their side forever.
To learn they can never do something extraordinary for Me to love them; I SIMPLY DO!
Then the reporter asked if God would like to add anything.
God graciously and simply said, "Yes!
To learn that while at times they may be entitled to be upset that does not give them the right to upset those around them.
To learn that they are masters of what they keep to themselves and slaves of what they say.
To learn that those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences go far in life.
God then said, "There is one more lesson they should know!"
The shortest distance they could be from me is the distance of a prayer. Short or long they can say a prayer anywhere. God Bless!