1 Corinthians 3:19
Yesterday, I spoke about "freedom of speech" for Christians and Non-Christians alike. Our country provides each and every one of us the privilege of speaking, what is on our minds.
That privilege and entitlement should never be misused or defiled by those who are just seeking and pursuing their own deviancies. Our freedom to speak was never meant to advance the life styles of those citizens who are just looking to "legalize their own sexual lusts and immoralities!"
And, that is exactly what "Characters Unite" is secretly exacting to do! Their back door plan easily appeals to those who truly wish to do what is right, but their end game is corrupt and perverted.
They are asking each of us to stop bullying... to give the disabled a fair opportunity to succeed... to stop violence... to provide loving homes to foster and adoptive children...etc. While all of this sounds great and is admirable, this group has an ulterior motive!
Beneath all their grandiose ideas, they are simply seeking to legalize their own "sexual perversions, desires and lusts!" We are not to agree or pattern our lives after the evils of this world and these immoralities definitely go against the Word of God!
Don't be fooled! Don't think that you can be wise merely by being up-to-date with man and the times we live in. If we measure our wisdom by this world's standards we are in trouble!
There are many unscrupulous men and women who wish to exploit the faith. They are as deceived as the people, Christian or Non-Christian that they are leading astray.
Don't fall for what sounds sweet and lovely in your ear. Take time to carefully examine and weigh what people tell you!! (this includes me!)
Not everyone who talks about God is for God and many are not even talking about our God Almighty, the only true and living God who sent His only Son Jesus into this world to save us from our sins.
Unfortunately, there are many good preachers who are not speaking the truth of God's Word. They too have fallen for what this world dictates instead of what God's Word says!
While Characters Unite -- sounds like a wonderful organization, their intentions are not honorable. Secretly they are out to advance their own sexualities, perversions and cravings.
They are like the serpent, they are handing you an apple and it is sinful. It is up to every one of us to determine if everything they say, comes from or complies with the Word of God!
Prayerfully, consider God's Word and learn to walk fully and only in His ways! He will guide you if you ask Him to.
You must decide who will you believe... people or God's Living Word?