Luke 1:79
I applied for my driver's license in Ohio. I also took the test for my GED, which I passed. I was making a plan for myself.
When I lived in NYC, I spent many hours in the library where I read every book they had on nursing and medicine. For as long as I could remember I had wanted to be a nurse... but that was before all the torment, before all the madness.
Still, I attended a year of nursing school and received my LPN or Licensed Practical Nursing degree. I then went to work at a local hospital, on what was called the "happy floor," better known as labor and delivery. I took care of mothers and their newborn babies. It was one of the happiest times in my life!
I had a plan now, -- I was going to walk away from the eclipse I was in. A plan that would somehow lead me out of this dim and darkened world I was living in.
I found out the hard way, when you hang with or live with evil and depravity it will either bleed you dry or bankrupt you of all that is good in this life. It was the Grace of God that I wasn't swallowed up and truly it was His Mercy that I am here today to speak of it.
Just as was promised long ago through the preaching of God's holy prophets, I found deliverance from the enemy and every hateful hand. My Lord Jesus did what He promised every one of us He would do!
I can worship Him now, without a care in the world, because His precious blood makes me holy before Him. Through the heartfelt mercies of my Lord, God's sunrise broke in on me and it shined through all the darkness I had in my life.
I was sitting in the shadow of death, but through the power of Holy Spirit I was able to put one foot in front of the other and slowly walk out of the pit I was in. I found the roadway to peace and I would never, ever reside in darkness again!
My friend, you too can walk away from the evil and the darkness! You can find a new way, a new path that will lead you into the brilliance and light of Jesus Christ!
Will you trust Him today?