We are but the "dust of the earth" until our heavenly father breaths life into us! God is continually molding us into His workmanship, until we become a vessel that will bring glory to His name!
Just as any potter needs water to make the clay soft and pliable, you will find God's Word is that fresh water of life. The Word of God is like an invigorating and restorative rain that brings new life to a hard, wearisome clay!!
The Word of God clearly states how important the "water" is; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:26,27)
So, we must ask ourselves, "Are we moldable? Are we submissive to the changes in the Word of God?" Or, are we hard, rigid and obstinate to any changes from the Potter's hands?
Unfortunately, there are times when I can be a "lively clay..." with a tendency to jump or slide off the pottery wheel. The truth is we must be centered on the spinning wheel or we will be torn apart before the potter is finished.
To be centered means to be surrendered completely to The Lord. We can't just give Him a part of ourselves, we must give Him... ALL of US!
It is then, that our Lord can start the pottery wheel to spinning. Lovingly, He will begin to press and mold the clay with His hands! He will reach into the center or the heart of the clay... and at times it may be unpleasant or even painful.
Still, our Lord will continue to constantly shape and sanctify us, molding us into the vessels we are meant to be. Trust is a must if we are to become vessels that can be used by Him.
When we learn to trust the Potter's hands... accept the pressure that is needed to shape and the fingers that reach down deeply to mold us, we can be assured that He is determined to make us a vessel that will be used by Him to reach the lost! We can be secure in His hands and prepared to do any work that He has for us.
Are you ready to serve the Lord in whatever He has for you to do??