A Call For Praise
The Bible places great importance and often exhorts God's people to praise the Lord. We are God's people--so it stands to reason that we are called to praise Him.
The Bible's first song, sung after the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea, was essentially a song of praise and thanksgiving to God (see Exodus 15:2). We also find that Moses commanded the Israelites to praise God for his goodness in giving them the promised land ( Deuteronomy 8:10). Deborah's song specifically called the people to praise the Lord (Judges 5:9). And, David's desire to praise God is recorded both in the story of his life (2 Samuel 22:4) and in the Psalms he wrote (Psalm 18:3).
The call for all of us to praise God reverberates throughout the New Testament. Jesus himself praised his Father in heaven (Matthew 11:25).
Paul expects all the nations to praise God (Romans 15:9-11) and James calls us to praise the Lord (James 5:13)
When we look at James, we see that he asks, "Is anyone of you happy or in trouble and if so, praise God (James 3:9). When we are happy in the Lord, we must sing songs of praise to Him (Psalms 33:2-3). Never be ashamed to praise the Lord and never disrespect those who praise in a different manner then you.
Right-living people sound best when they are praising the Lord! When we take God's Word seriously we will be joyful and content. We will be satisfied and fulfilled in giving Him praise! And, in the end, we as the saints and the angels will be praising God continually, just as the picture given in Revelation (Revelation 5:11-14).
While praising God is one of the main function of the angels (Psalms 148:2), it is also a privilege for God's people, both children (Matthew 21:16) and adults (Psalms 30:4 & Psalms 135:1-2). Oh, what a beautiful site to see a child praising the Lord God!
Furthermore, God calls all nations to praise Him (Psalms 117:1). In other words, everything that has breath is called to shout out the praises of God (Psalms 150:6).
And, as if that was not enough, Did you know that God also commands inanimate nature to praise him -- such as the sun, moon and stars (Psalms 148:3,4); lightning, hail, snow and wind (Psalms 148:8); mountains, hills, rivers and seas (Psalms 90:7-8); all kinds of trees ((Psalms 148:9); and all kinds of living creatures ((Psalms 69:34).
If God commands that nature, mountain, hills, rivers and all living creatures are to be praising Him -- how much more should we? Praising the Lord is a privilege and a benefit to our bodies and souls. Are you sick? Praise the Lord!! Are you depressed? Praise the Lord!! True praise will bring you the peace and joy you so desire!
My prayer is for ALL God's people to start praising Him. Praise him in your homes -- praise him in your cars -- and praise him in your church. The church needs a people who will make praise a priority.
Oh, how glorious the day will be when we all shall praise God together. Young and old, beast and critter, mammal and baboon and yes the nations will all praise God. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, "Every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God."
(Romans 14:11)