Pulitzer Prise-winning author, Laura E. Richards often wrote stories exploring man's capacity for tenderness towards those around him. One such story, "The Hill" tells of a small boy, discouraged and doubtful that he could ever make it... to the top of a large hill. His older and wiser sister however... had more sense! She encouraged the boy to play a game with her... in which the two would match each others footprints to see whose was the best. After a little while the boy looks up and is in complete disbelief. "Why," he said, "we are at the top of the hill!" "Dear me!" said his sister... "So we are!"
Are you more like that little boy... who simply sunk into despair as he looked up that long mountain path. Or are you like the woman who crawled and was determined to reach Jesus... if only to touch the hem of His garment!
Faith is not always comfortable... it is more like a mighty mixture of belief and action. When darkness or despair sinks into our lives... we need to turn on the night-light of faith! A faith in possibilities that are greater than ourselves.
I must tell you... I am a woman... using all my faith and my strength... to touch the hem of Jesus's garment. I am praising Him... and I know by faith... He is healing me! I would urge you also... to take hold of God's hand and begin to give Him your praises. You might be surprised at the progress and breakthrough that comes... and just at a time when you least expected it! I know I will! I will also say... that even if it takes a while for that breakthrough... praising Jesus in the midst of it all... brings such wonderful peace!
When you are holding God's hand in faith... you will find that the strength you do have becomes more palpable... and God is able to do with it... what you never dreamed possible. You have a choice... you can worry... or you can have faith... the choice it totally yours to make... which will you choose this day??
Be encouraged... Jesus knows you... and loves you!
Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Matthew 6:27 and Luke 12:25 (NLT)
Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment. Matthew 9:22 (NLT)