I am the door: by me, if any man enters in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 10:9
Many years ago, during a terrible desert war in the Middle East... a spy was captured and sentenced to death by a wise old Persian warlord. Despite the harsh sentence... the warlord was actually "a man of mercy and compassion."
Over the years he had adopted a strange custom. In death penalty cases... "he would allow the condemned a choice of a quick death by firing squad... or he could take his chances by passing through a mysterious black door." As the moment of execution drew near, the warlord ordered the frightened spy be brought before him. "What have you chosen? Will it be the firing squad or the black door?"
It was a terrible decision for the prisoner to make. Each time he moved close to the massive black door, his trembling hand stopped short of the key. Finally, he informed the warlord that "he much preferred the firing squad to the unknown horrors that might lurk in the shadows behind that mysterious black door."
A few minutes later... a volley of rifle shots signaled that the sentence had been carried out. The old warlord... gazing off to the distant horizon, turned to his aide and said, "You see how it is with people; they will always prefer the known to the unknown. That man went quietly to his death even though I gave him a choice..."
The aid then asked, "Sir, what lies behind the black door?" The warlord turned to his aide and replied, "Freedom... and I've known very few men... brave enough to take it."
To understand how Jesus is the door of his sheepfold... we need to see how the shepherd's work was done in ancient Israel. The shepherds would lead their sheep to graze in the nation's pastures and drink from the streams. However, at night the shepherds took their sheep to the sheepfold, which was a walled structure topped with briar's to protect the sheep from thieves and wild animals.
The gate (or door) was the sheepfold's only proper entry into the sheepfold and a guard kept watch there to keep trespassers from getting in. Many different flocks often spent the night in the same sheepfold... but a sheep never got lost among the other sheep... "for they knew their master's voice and always returned when the shepherd called."
The sheepfold teaches us two very important things: One: We see that God has a place to bring us, His sheep... where we will be safe forever... and one day spend eternity there with Him. Two: If sheepfolds have only one door and Jesus is the door of the sheepfold, then there is only ONE WAY to find eternal life... and that is through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we have full access to God's mercy in Christ Jesus alone!
This is "God's Truth" not mine:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me.
JOHN 14:6
To many of us are looking for an easy way... or our way to God and Eternity today. Still, God's Word tells us that there is only "One Way" to freedom and that comes from Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God... "He alone is our shepherd and He is the only door to salvation and eternity!"
Many people... want "to put more than one door" on God’s sheepfold... and without having to put their trust in Jesus alone (even though they are sincere in their spiritual quest). To do this is not a sign of tolerance or humility; rather... it denies the life-giving message of the gospel to others. May we stand firm in the truth that Christ alone can save lost human beings.
Don't let this world fool you or give you a false sense of security! There is only one door that leads to true freedom.
What door is leading you to freedom? Who or what... have you put your faith and trust in for "YOUR salvation and eternal life?" You need to know... there is only ONE WAY to heaven... and that is Jesus Christ! "He is the only doorway to YOUR eternal life!"