Job with sores, boils all over his body, suffered in misery and with no relief for months. He also bore deep grief for his seven dead sons and three daughters. He lost all his wealth, while his own wife rebuffed him and his brothers rejected him. Even the little children shunned Job.
At first, it looks like Job was submissive and obedient, when he said, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21 He accepted his trials and adversities with great resignation and held to his Faith!
However, time has a way... of wearing us down, just as it did Job. Over the months Job's faith was shaken and his confidence in God wavered. He defended himself and wanted to know the wrongs he had done, the sins he had committed. He believed God saw him as an enemy and had even turned his back on him. God was holding the sins of his youth against him, or so Job thought. Job 13:23-26
Job also griped and his pride grumbled, "If only I knew where to find him; if only I could go to his dwelling! I would state my case before him and my mouth with arguments. I would find out what he would answer me, and consider what he would say. Job 23:3-5
We may all find ourselves like Job at times, FAITH is a bit easier when the trials of life don't last very long. But, when money is short, and there is no job in sight, when sickness is present day after day into years, and when there seems no end to whatever we are facing... our faith can dwindle and our trust in God may fade.
It is at this point we must drop our pride and make a choice! We ought choose to remember God's promises and decide to forget our doubting! This is the very time we must trust and believe God's Word. We must renounce our fear, doubt and refuse to see the outward appearances. Our God is at work, right there in the midst of the struggles! He has promised to always be at our side!
We do better to submit to God, then to question what He is doing! Job did just that! See: Job 42:1–6.
However, Job's final answers to God were of absolute humility and submission to his revelation. He confessed that: (1) God does all things well; (2) That everything God permits to occur he does so in wisdom and with purpose; and thus (3) even the suffering of the righteous has meaning and divine purpose.
We have four lessons here as I see it:
1. Trust is a Must! We must believe with all our heart, soul and mind in the absolute sovereignty of God. We need to pray that we would truly believe this!
2. Our assurance in God is important at all times! We need to pray for that, (the song says it best) "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine... Oh, what a foretaste of Glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood!"
3. Repentance isn't popular, but we need to repent of all the times we have questioned God or found fault with him and in the way we feel we have been treated by him. We need lose all pride, humble ourselves and pray we would see these murmurings as sinful.
4. Be Satisfied with God's Holy will and He will see us through!! Pray and believe in your heart that God is working out His best for each of us!
God's Promise to us: ...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5
I know that I know... God will not leave me. I pray you have that same confidence in Him!