Jeremiah's life had been full of heartache, struggles and tears. Still, his anguish, his desperation was turned to comfort and joy, his heart sick outlook was turned to accomplishment, and his distress and dread to inspiring bravery!
How did Jeremiah overturn his apathetic gloom to triumph and victory? Jeremiah victoriously announced, "Sing unto the Lord! Praise the Lord! (as we see in our verse above, Jeremiah 20:13)
These are weapons in the Christian's armory, against which the Devil has no response or defense! Praising God in trying times supports our belief, that God is totally in charge of every situation we find ourselves in.
Praise is a matter of "Christians getting lost in God's Will and losing our own"!! Praising God is "Christians accepting from God ALL that comes our way, both the good and the bad"!!
I will not say that praising God is always easy, but when we learn to praise the Lord in awful and dreadful times it is so much more pleasing and valuable to Him, than our praises in the times when "all is well"!
Praising takes our minds off of our problems and forces us, in a gentle sincerity, to focus on the Lord and ALL He has done for us! We learn to trust that God knows far more about what He is doing than we could ever imagine, for He is able to give us beauty for ashes!!
Praise is not established on our hopes for what will happen in the future, because we do not praise God for the things we expect from Him. We learn to praise God for "who He is, not what He is able to do or even for what we want"!!
Praise, if allowed will open the "power of prayer" in our lives, allowing God's power to move within our lives! And, the "prayers of praise and thanksgiving" are able to deliver more of God's power than any other framework of our prayer requests!
One of the most precious reasons we praise, is that God inhabits our praises, He dwells, He lives and He exists in our praises to Him!! And, His favor, power and presence become so rich, so real and so near to us, when we give Him the "Praises He Sincerely and Undoubtedly Deserves"!!