pray yonder.
Jesus brought the disciples to a garden grove called Gethsemane across the Kidron Valley on the Mount of Olives. There Jesus prayed that night before his arrest and before the crucifixion. Gethsemane means's "oil press," suggesting the garden was a grove of olive trees.
He told His disciples to sit down and wait for Him while He took Peter, James, and John to go on ahead to pray. As Jesus prayed, he began to fill with anguish and despair, and He told
them, "My soul is crushed and sorrowful to the point of death; please stay here, stay awake, and pray with me."
I know what it is to weep and cry out to my Lord Jesus Christ; I have never agonized to the point where "drops of blood" fell from me. I can't even begin to imagine the heaviness and sorrow Jesus felt, and that is just when I think of my sin.
And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as if it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. LUKE 22:44
Jesus is God, and he knew not only the "beginning to the end-he knew the end to the beginning." He knew me, prayed in that garden for me and you, and still loved me enough to pay for my debt of sin and yours.
Jesus went a little further, fell face down on the ground, and prayed, "O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt."
When he returned to the three disciples and found them all asleep, he called Peter and said, "Could you not watch with me for one hour? Stay alert and pray; otherwise, temptation will overpower you. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak!"
Once again, Jesus prayed, "O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
When Jesus returned to them again, their eyes were heavy, and Jesus found them sleeping. Once again, he prayed to His Father. When Jesus finished praying, he returned to the disciples, saying, "Sleep, take your rest-but, no! He shouted, "The time has come!"
Betrayed, I go into the hands of evil men! Get up!"
At that very moment, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived with a great crowd armed with swords and clubs sent by the Jewish leaders. Judas had told them to arrest the man he greeted with a kiss, for that would be the one they were after.
Judas embraced Jesus, kissed him, and then they came, laid hands on Jesus, and took Him. One of the men with Jesus pulled out his sword and slashed the ear of the high priest's servant.
"Put away your sword," Jesus told him. "Those who are using swords will get killed. Don't you realize I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us? But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what is happening now?"
"Am I some dangerous criminal," he asked, "that you had to arm yourselves with swords and clubs before you could arrest me? I was with you teaching daily in the Temple, and you didn't stop me."
But all this was happening to fulfill the words of the prophets as recorded in the scriptures. (SEE & BEGIN at PSALM 22:14 And then, all the disciples deserted him and fled for their lives.
They led Jesus away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and elders were assembled. The Jewish Supreme Court gathered there and looked for witnesses who would lie about Jesus to build a case against him that would result in a death sentence.
1ST SONG: Lead Me to Calvary (Lest I Forget Gethsemane)
SUNG BY: Don Moen
2ND SONG: Gethsemane