Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
I CAN'T WAIT TO ________??
"Lord, I will wait..." How many of us can honestly say that... when we are waiting on something of real importance to us? Do you remember the days when "you couldn't wait to get your driver's license or you couldn't wait to be out on your own?"
These words are foreign to many of us because we live in a society that reinforces instant gratification and enjoyment. We also have become so "self-sufficient" that many of us can take care of any need that may come up.
However, we need to "stop and wait" to think about what
God's His timing is for our lives, and what He wants us
to do with that time! He has put us on a journey of approximately seventy to eighty years.
"The days of our lives are threescore years and ten, and if
by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet
it is their strength and labor and sorrow;
for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."
PSALM 90:10
While we have our youth, that seventy to eighty years sounds great, but as we age time begins to shorten faster than "we can blink an eye!" That's one reason I always answer someone who makes fun of those growing older with; "Never Regret Growing Old, Many Are Denied the Privilege!"
Whether we are young and think we have "a lifetime ahead of us" or we are older and think "the sunset years are here" God expects us to use the time He gives us wisely! And we are to use ALL the time God gives us to be what He want's us to be!
As Believers and Christians "we need to stop and wait -- take moments to serve, to care and to love others." We wait and take time to "share the Gospel of Jesus Christ" before it is too late for someone to know that Jesus died for their sins and to give them a more purposeful life here and now!
In our swift and rapid world, God wants us to "wait for a moment or two" for those who may need help or just
someone who will care about them! He also wants us
to love Him with all our heart, mind and soul!
(MATTHEW 22:37-40)
As we wait, God strengthens us, He teaches us patience and He builds us up! Yes, as we wait on God, He prepares us and makes our journey attainable!
Don't be impatient! Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, wait and He will help you!
Lord make us willing to wait on you and what you would have us to do!