Moses is a perfect and impeccable example on how the presence of God empowers each of us who desire to live for Him. Moses felt he could not attempt or endeavor to do anything for God, without His presence in Moses' life!
Moses spoke boldly to God, "If you aren't going with us, then don't let us move a step from this place." God's presence with the Israelites, set them apart from any other people or nation!
This is precisely the way the church of Jesus Christ is calling us to walk today! When we openly decide to take steps that are contrary to what God is teaching or leading we will find troubles that we don't need.
And, this truth still stands true today, individually or collectively the church of Jesus Christ must move only when God's presence leads! When we love the Lord and want to live solely for Him, we will actively look for His presence so that He can lovingly lead us, as He continues to work His will in our lives.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13
Our desire to do God's will... very often needs a boost, that's why Philippians 2:13 tells us that it is God who enables us to both hunger and work out His good purpose for our lives, not our own fleshly aspirations.
Christ tells us in this epistle that while He was living among the people, they were very "quick to act" obediently. Now that He is gone, He reminds them to not only keep it up, but to double their works by being dynamic, gracious, devoted and discerning before God.
Moses didn't care how other nations received their guidance, formed their plans of action or ran their government. He boldly stated, "We will operate on one principle alone! The only way we will survive in this wasteland of a desert, is to totally have the "presence of God with us and leading us"!!
Moses continued and said, "When the Lord's presence is in our midst, no one can harm us, but without the Lord we are totally helpless! We will trust in the unmistakable presence of our God"!! God's response to Moses bold statement is made clear in verse 14: And God said, "My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest"!
Exodus 33:14
What a wonderful Word and promise from God!! God was actually telling them that no matter what enemies or trials they would face, they would always find peace and quiet rest in the presence of God!
If we in our churches manifest the presence of God in our midst, there won't be hassles, tumult or difficulties. We won't hurry through the service, with a specific itinerary of two or three songs, the offering and a sermonette!
Only when we allow God's presence to lead our church services, will we find peace and a calm, that will allow the Holy Spirit to guide our thanksgiving, our praises and our worship! This is also true for every born again individual believer, if you have Jesus' presence in your life you will experience God's divine order and you will rest knowing that God has everything under control!!
My friends, I have to ask... "Is God's presence leading you"?? And, to the leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ... "Are you allowing God's presence to lead your church"??