Two angels were on assignment, they were walking their way through the lives of people they had never met. One evening they came to the home of a wealthy family and asked if perhaps they could spend the night. The family was rude and refused to have these shabby looking men, spend time in their home's guest room. Instead they led the two scruffy individuals to the basement, where an old bedroom was kept for housekeepers. As the two lay on the bed, one of them saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. The younger angel asked, "why?" The older angel replied, "Things aren't always as they appear to be."
The next day, this same pair of angels continued on their journey. They came to the countryside and saw an old farmhouse. As they neared the home they saw a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. The farmer's wife quickly asked them to join them for dinner, the meal though scarce was served with love. As the night was drawing to a close, the farmer told the two tattered guests to please stay and offered them his and his wife's bedroom so they could get a good nights rest. As the sun came up the next morning the lodgers found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.
The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel, "How could you have let this happen? The first family had everything they wanted, yet you helped repair his wall," and continued with, "The second family had so little, but shared everything they had, and you let their cow die." "Things aren't always as they appear to be," the older angel replied, "When we stayed in the basement of the wealthy family, I noticed there was gold stored in the hole of that wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he will never be able to find it."
"Still," continued the younger angel, "You did nothing for the farmer and his wife who were so poor." The older angel answered, "As you slept in their warm bed, I saw the angel of death approaching the farmer's wife. So, I got on my knees and talked with the Lord. I pleaded and asked if He could please reassign the death angel. I prayed all night for God to spare the farmer's wife, just this once. It seems now, that God did spare her life and chose to take the cow instead. Things aren't always what they appear to be."
There will always be times when things don't turn out, the way we think they should. This is the very time we must hold fast to our faith. We may or may not ever know the reasons why things happen, but that is not for us to question. These things are "Gods Business Alone!"
So, should you find it hard to sleep tonight, instead of asking "why can't I sleep?", pray for those God would place on your heart! When you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't get angry, pray for whatever is up ahead blocking the roadway. When you have a bad day at work, ask God to bless the man who has no job. Should you despair over a death of a friend, share Jesus with the family that has been left. When you grieve over the passing of another weekend, ask God to give strength to the woman who is in dire straits, working twelve hour days, seven days a week, for $15.00 a week, just to feed her family. Should your car break down, leaving you to walk a few miles for assistance, think on the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk. When you look in the mirror and notice a few grey hairs, pray for the cancer patient in chemo, who wishes she had hair
yes, even grey hair to comb.
If you ever find yourself at a loss, and pondering what life is all about and wondering, "What is my purpose?" just take a moment... relax, breathe and be thankful. This might be the perfect time to brighten someone else's day!... Whether angels from above or good friends right here!