A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about he felt. He said, "I feel as if I have two wolves that are fighting in my heart. One wolf is vengeful, vindictive, angry and violent. The other wolf is loving, compassionate and kind." The grandson then asked, "Which wolf, grandfather, will win the fight in your heart? The grandfather looked into the boys eyes and answered, "The one I feed."
Our first birth is unequivocally human in nature and corrupt, however our new birth is not at all, like our old life, for it is uncorrupt. Our new birth in Jesus comes from the Living Word, a life equipped by God Himself!
This blog or my words do not have the power to save or change your life. But, the Word of God, when heard, believed and acted upon, does have the power to change your life. For when the Word of God comes alive in our spirit, God can then use it to transform our lives.
Feasting on God's Word, instead of just reading it, (and there is a difference) we are sure to grow into our new spiritual life. This feeding calls for chewing thoroughly and completely, before we swallow and consume God's Word. As we revere the Word of God, we learn how to walk in a life of victory.
So how do we walk in the Spirit? We walk according to the Word of God! Our
new life begs a new decision making process, will we do solely what we want to
do or will we stop to listen for what God would have us do.
We have to stop feeding our own cravings and ask is this something that aligns with God's Word? Would Jesus approve of what I am doing? In asking ourselves these kind of questions, we are seeking God's truth in the matters of our life.
Bad decisions come from living solely in our flesh and letting our emotions rule our lives. The flesh and the spirit oppose one another, we must choose which we will follow, we must decide which one we will feed!