Like an alarm clock... my dad would show up quite frequently to our home, and it would be just about the time my boys would be coming home from school and I would be starting dinner. He would walk through the door with big bear hugs and treats in his hands. Needless to say, those were some of the most wonderful days I shared with my father. He loved being a dad... and a grandfather to six grandsons, two of
whom were mine.
My dad loved his children... he would gather us together on holidays, birthdays and any other special days that came along and he could nab us. His large capacity to love was obvious and he excluded no one... because we were all, forever and always his family!
Jesus is telling us in John 17:21 that we who belong to Him... also belong to His Father. He wants us to know that we have been chosen, we have been adopted into His family. The God who rules the universe is our heavenly dad! We are a chosen people... a joint heir, with Jesus. Jesus knew His heavenly father while He lived here on earth. He understood that He was sent by the father, to do His will. He recognized the familiar voice when God spoke to him, a voice that was able to comfort and assure.
Just as Jesus could say, "I know my Father, I know He has chosen and appointed me, I know that He is always with me and I am never alone." We too can say those same things, God our father cares for us and is acquainted with every aspect of our lives. We just need to learn these facts and make them our very own. God has chosen us to be His adopted children, whereby we can cry out, "Abba Father!" God the father of Abraham, Issaic and Jacob is also our Father. We are His and He is absolutely, positively ours... along with all of His blessings!
Have you made Him your Father, a Dad that loves and understands you completely? I urge you to get to know your Heavenly Father, you will find Him to be ALL that you ever wanted or needed!