A millstone is defined as one of a pair of heavy flat disc-shaped stones that are rotated one against the other to grind grain. I am sure that if one millstone was were hung around your neck... and you were cast into the sea... I don't think there would be an easy way out of the situation and I think that you would sink fast and hard.
I know that often when we refer to this verse we are really talking about christians or family members that have hurt us and how to deal with them... and stating what we think God would do. That is not what I am going to talk about today.
I am talking about the "Cayle Marie Anthony's... Haleigh Cummings.. Polly Klaas... Isabel Celis... or the two cousins in Iowa... 8-year-old Elizabeth Collins and her 10-year-old cousin, Lyric Cook... A side from Cayle and Polly, I have to wonder... where are these little girls. Why does it seem like they just fell off the face of the earth?
I have to ask... "How does this happen?"... "Why does it happen?" and "Why can't we seem to locate them?"
Closer to home we have Susan Smith... who killed her two boys... 3-year-old Michael Smith and 14-month-old Alexander Smith... by letting her van drift into a lake with her sons in it. We have Shaquan Duley who killed her two sons, 2-year-old Devean and 18-month-old Ja'van Duley... by suffocating them and then driving them off a boat ramp. I am abhorred that children are so easily done away with... children who just seem to go missing... and children who are murdered by their own mothers or fathers. Oh how the Lord must grieve when he sees these things which have become so common place in our nation. I believe these are some of the "little ones" Jesus talked about in Mark 9:42.
My friend... I implore you to please pray for these little ones. It may be to late for some of the children I've listed... but everyday there is another that we hear about. If there is nothing else we can do... we can pray! The Bible tells us our children are an heritage Psalm 127:3, Jesus said, "Suffer little childrem, forbid them not." Mark 10:14 "for these are the kingdom of heaven." What hope does any child have if there is no one praying for them. The devil seeks to destroy and to kill... John 10:10. What can be more important than our children.... and praying earnestly for them. Please... take a moment... even right now... and whisper a prayer for these little ones.
Dear Lord Jesus, We lift of these little ones to you... when there is no one there to love and comfort these children, I ask that you would be there for them and with them. Let your Holy Spirity minister love and peace. Keep them from all harm and provide a way of escape. I ask in Jesus precious name... and for your glory. Amen!