There are days when I absolutely, categorically, without any questions, need or want CHOCOLATE and in reality there is no substitute that will suffice!! I don't need a large candy bar or a hefty amount... I just need a little chocolate to "make my day" go just a little bit smoother.
Contrary to my chocolate urgencies, I have and I am developing a much deeper appetite and passion to walk with and to know my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I don't want anyone to think my motivations are completely pure or downright righteous... because truthfully... it is my auto-immune diseases that have driven me to the point where I genuinely "NEED My LORD" to get me through some days.
The proof is in this past weekend... my grandchildren came up to our home, because Don needed our three grandsons to help him continue to work on the trees and fence that Hurricane Matthew destroyed last October. The youngest, my grand- daughter Ellie and I usually have fun doing crafts, coloring, playing games or singing together... but on this night I could barely breath.
I had signs of asthma on Wednesday, but Thursday night is when I really began to have difficulty breathing... I not only had to use my inhaler, and rescue inhaler, I also needed my nebulizer inhalator for a breathing treatment. After, checking my blood pressure (just 80/40) and my heart rate (of 40), I realized "my need to quietly pray and ask the Lord to touch me" just so I could enjoy these rare moments that I have with my granddaughter Ellie.
Friday came and I was still having symptoms, I found playing with my granddaughter exhausting and limited. I broke down crying and told her I couldn't keep up with her, I poured out my heart to a little girl who no one... would expect to understand!
Still, she quietly whispered, "Nauna, let's just sing about Jesus." So she picked up the karaoke machine and picked out the song and sang to me... (I thank God I captured it below):
My hope is that it will bless you as it did me! I hope that each of us will diligently seek out our Lord with a greater adoration and devotion... not just when things are going along smoothly... but when we are "down in the dumps" as well!!