We all have days when we feel really close to our Lord Jesus... and if we are honest with ourselves, we know that there are also days when our Lord Jesus seems so far away from us.
There was a time when I went purely on my feelings alone and that was truly a frustrating and depressing season of life for me!! Thankfully, I am learning to constantly draw nearer to Him, especially on the hard days and I am learning "to know my Lord"... His love, His mercy and His Grace! I have learned that I need to consistently stand upon His Holy Word and His promises!
When you have circumstances, bad days, or just overwhelming feelings of sadness... there is good news for you!! The closer you draw near to God, the more you will move into His love, His peace, and His plan for your life, and on the other hand... the "HOPE of God's light within each of us" will grow brighter with each new day!
The path that we follow will not always be easy, but as we learn to serve the Lord and submit to His perfect will for our lives, we begin to recognize that His hand of mercy, grace and love... is absolutely upon us!
I would say to you, "Let God have "ALL of you", let His love grow within your "heart of hearts" and surely you will begin to see the JOY and ABUNDANT Living that God offers freely to each of us...even in the bad times!!"
My prayer for each of us is:
Lord Jesus, we "thank you" for who you are and as we surrender every part of ourselves to you, speak to us so that we will learn to know your voice more clearly. When our feelings try to rise above our faith and trust, make it known to us Lord Jesus so that we might once again, turn our hearts to you and draw nearer to you! Lord show us what you are trying to teach each one of us individually as we put our trust solely in you alone. We come to you Lord in faith believing for a closer walk with you each and every day. Amen and Amen!
Friends... Everyday do something that will draw you nearer to our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ!