Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. PROVERBS 3:5-6
Life will bring us questions without answers.
To live is to encounter silent seasons of the soul,
When every prayer seems to go unanswered...
As we face events beyond our understanding or control.
Yet in the quiet darkness, Christ is working.
His silence in the shadows doesn't mean He doesn't care...
A part of Faith is trusting without reason,
Believing, when He can't be seen or heard, that He's still there.
So when answers fail to come, don't be discouraged.
Keep leaning on God's steadfast love and trusting in His will,
For knowing WHY won't really make a difference...
But, growing close and knowing Jesus really will!
May the Lord teach us to be still and rest in His Word. May he give us a faith, that doesn't depend on reasons, answers or a constant reassurance of His love for us.
May we have a steadfast faith that stands on God's Holy Word and trusts in His goodness. May he help us to know that there is never a moment... when we are out of His loving care.
BELOW: For Those Tears I Died...