Did you know that the Reverend Billy Graham was once kicked out of his Sunday school class?? Or that his son Franklin was once wild and rebellious??
In fact, on one particular day he went thundering up to his father's house on his Harley Davidson motorcycle to ask his dad for some money. Dressed in leather, dirty and dusty he unknowingly burst into the living room where his dad was in a meeting with his executive board However, without any hesitation, Billy Graham introduced his son to each member of the board never apologizing for Franklin or displaying any disgrace or guilt!
Franklin later wrote in his autobiography, "Rebel With A Cause," that his father's love and respect on that specific day never left him... including his rebellious years!
My husband and I have also experienced a prodigal son, who very gingerly called us from jail recently. Oh, but the sound of his voice and knowing he was physically okay was enough for this mother's heart. Much love and many prayers have entered the throne room of God for my son and I believe God is working in him even now!
Children don't have to earn our love. The enemy would relish and fancy our turning on them, or withholding our love from them, but not our Lord Jesus.
Think of how undeserving we are of God's love and acceptance. There is nothing we could do, nothing good within us could merit God's love. And yet, God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, He sent His only son, Jesus to die for us, just as we see in Romans 5:8.
Every relationship we share and most importantly, that special connection with our children, says we must genuinely show the same kind of love that God showed us! As Christians, we are called to treat our children, our family and friends with love and respect.
It's easier to understand when we remember what we were like when Christ died for us.
Dear Lord Jesus, help us to always show love and respect to everyone who you have placed in our lives! Help us to be mindful of the fact that we have been created in your image and we need your love to shine through us, bringing all the glory, honor and praise to you and you alone! Amen and Amen!