I am so thankful to have a God who loved us so much that he gave his only son to die on the cross for our sins. As the chorus goes, "He paid a price he did not owe... we owed a price we could not pay." So when I examine myself I want to know am I a religious Christian... just getting by or sticking to man made rules or am I truly a believer in what Christ Jesus has done for me. Do I consider going to church, reading my Bible or praying a chore or do I long to do these things so that my relationship with Jesus will grow? I want to be as dedicated to my savior as those who willing to die for their causes. I want to be able to share what Jesus has done for me so that others will come to know him personally and live a life well worth living.
I believe there are hard times coming, times when our comfort will only come from God and His Word. If we don't care to get to know Him now... how will we even begin to know Him in the times to come??
If a member of Al Qaeda is ready to have a bomb placed inside his or her body for the love of their god... I have just one question; Are we willing to live a life that exudes the love of Jesus and the price he alone paid for our salvation?
Below is a link to the Fox News Story: