1 John 2:6
Sometimes it takes painful situations that cause us to look at ourselves and realize, "we need to make a change in what we are doing and the way we are doing it!"
As Christians our goal is to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, reflecting His life and His love in this dark, somber world to everyone we come in contact with. The early church knew the importance of walking as Jesus did and they knew the relevance of giving back... the value of corporate and personal prayer, worship, sound doctrine, communion and fellowship with one another.
As we pray along side one another, our worship becomes stronger, communion with the Lord deepens, doctrine matures within us, and our fellowship grows oh so much sweeter! These are just some of the building blocks that increase our love and concern for one another.
Praying with one another can give rise to true and genuine encouragement, as there are many who are struggling with adversities, trials, illness, loneliness, and despair. Praying with each other produces support and comfort, it is an invitation to the Holy Spirit to come with the reassurance of God's promises to His people!
Sadly, many churches have more time for the "ministry of entertainment," while others have retreated and there is no longer a "call for prayer" there is no set time for what they call "old fashion prayer meetings!" But, friends, we still serve a loving God who is willing and yearning to hear the hearts of His people and yet we sidestep Him for lack of time or interest.
I believe the body of Christ Jesus is living in a very crucial period of time. We tend to think that we are spiritually rich, morally strong and saintly... but does God view us this way?? I would answer, "no, He does not recognize His church this way," God probably regards us as pitiful, poor and blinded by complacency... which makes us a prime target of the enemy.
However, while we are still here... there is time to "change what we are doing and the way we are doing it!"
When we claim to know the Lord Jesus... but our words and actions do not line up with The Word of God, we are liars! If we call ourselves Christian, claiming to live a life of Christianity, we best be sure we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus and living as close to the life that Jesus lived!