Deuteronomy 33:27
May you sense right here, right now, that heaven is close and Jesus is near. May you walk confidently today, even knowing that though the elements rage around you,
God is in control!
May you find peace in the storm and rest in the shadow of His wings. Don't take the world's weight on your shoulders;
let Jesus carry you! He'll assign a yoke that fits you perfectly!
He'll give you the grace to live your life one step at a time, and if you allow Him, he will direct your efforts and steps. Yours isn't to worry about tomorrow. Yours is to worship Him today so His
glory will shine through you.
He's been good. He is good. And He is GOOD ALL THE TIME!
When it's all said and done, you'll be glad you trusted Him.
Embrace childlike faith and rest well in His Love for you!
Heavenly Father, may we genuinely know that God is our refuge, and underneath us are the everlasting arms of love and life! Surround us today in Your absolute trust and faith!
May we realize You are as close as the mention of Your name! May we grasp Your Word even if everything in our lives
seems to be falling apart! Help us to understand that You,
Lord Jesus are the solid rock that is the foundation of life, beliefs, trust, and faith!
Our footing is solid as long as we cling to You alone. Take away the things of this world that waver, falter, and fade.
Allow Jesus to carry you, and take hold of His unchanging, enduring, and strengthening life and love, that He has established. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Blessed be Your Holy Name!
Amen & Amen
SONG: He Will Carry You
SUNG BY: Judy & Don