He makes my feet like hind's feet, and sets me upon my high places. PSALM 18:33
There will be times when you feel like sighing, may Jesus place
a new son in your heart. When you become weary from waiting and holding on, may the Lord give you energy and the
courage to stand strong. When you have waited a long time to see the breakthrough that you so need, may Jesus very soon do what only He can do.
There may be times when He seems very slow to intervene on your behalf, but the truth is, Jesus is meticulous and miraculous, He is absolute and strategic. You can be confident that Jesus knows what He's doing, and He deserves our faith, trust and hope. Take a deep breath in, and exhale all your feelings of anxiety, then inhale God's grace and peace. He is working behind the scenes, He's doing all the heavy work for you, simply because Jesus loves you!
Help us to stand firmly and tread safely on the paths of testings and troubles Lord Jesus. Make our feet like hind's feet, setting me securely upon my high places. Take my hand when I am shaken and guide me to a resting place where we can commune and reflect upon Your goodness, and your loving care for each of us. Help us always to lift up our eyes from the natural realm into the spiritual realm, where I will see the blessings and abundance You have in store for your children.
Jesus understands exactly where you are and He wants you to know he understands your desperate feelings for answered prayers! He is working on your behalf behind the scenes.