runneth over.
PSALM 23:5
In Psalm 23, David has trusted the Lord in the material, spiritual, and psychological aspects of his life. In verse 5, the sheep, who once walked through the valley of fear, are bestowed goodness from the Shepherd.
Now, David relies on his God to care for his physical life--his head is anointed with oil.
Sheep are often tormented by mosquitoes who fly around their heads. Besides biting, mosquitoes also lay eggs on them, which can result in diseases. In order to soothe the sheep from this malady and keep the mosquitoes away, the diligent shepherd rubbed medicinal oil on the head and nose of the sheep.
The sheep find relief from physical pain in the shepherd.
Have you been suffering from a disease these days? There is nothing wrong with being treated by a doctor; you're actually advised to do just that! Nevertheless, while you do so, do not lose sight of the one Doctor who takes you by the hand, holds you against His chest, and gently treats you.
TODAY: Why not trust The Lord Jesus with your material, spiritual, and psychological aspects of your life??
SONG: Fill My Cup Lord