Revelation 21:4
I was visiting with my friend, Debbie one day, when she took me into her backyard to show me her lovely yellow roses. Truly, they were beautiful and their colors were amazing!
The rose's appearance may seem ordinary, like most flowers it is delicate, graceful and a delight to the eye. However, if you grab hold of it you will find more than the eye might see. The rose has thorns that can be very painful to the touch.
I am a yellow rose, I'm typical, gentle and I basically look fine to the people I meet on a daily basis. Still, I wrestle with unseen thorns on a daily basis, thorns that wreak havoc with my body.
When people look at me and others with chronic pain, they seem to only notice that we look fine and normal. Our daily pain and suffering is not visible, detectable or evident in our appearance, but we have thorns that we endure and battle with every moment of every day.
I have not been able to produce my blog, because of swollen joints in my hands that cause immense pain, hinder movement and sometimes lock in place. I have days when walking is excruciating because of spinal deterioration. But, I don't think you want to hear everything I deal with.
Suffice it to say, some days I don't know how I will make it through. It is then that I depend on God's grace and mercy to carry me.
I know many men, women and children who suffer with the same auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, fibromialgia, chronic fatigue and the list goes on!
Nonetheless, with excitement I know there is coming a day... a day that will be like no other we have known. A day of anticipation and great expectancy!
A voice from the throne room of heaven will announce, "Look! Look! Your God has moved into the neighborhood and He is making his home with His children. If you are His child and He is your God, He will wipe every tear from your eyes. Death is gone - gone forever, crying is over and done with, your pain is over never to be felt again!!"
The Enthroned continues, "Look! I am making everything new! Write it down, let my children know, every word is dependable and accurate." Revelation 21:5
We can trust God's Word to be authentic and true. We can believe and look to the day when all discomfort, adversity and torment will end! We will be with our Savior, Jesus Christ and our lives will never be the same.
Death came into this world by sin -- but sin was conquered on Calvary. And there is coming a day when there will be no more sickness or death.
My diseases are progressive in nature, so I look forward to that day with hope and promise! I can go on because I have had a glimpse of God's glory and His love for me.
I may not be able to do everything I want right now. I may have to take time off from my blog now and then... but one day, one day I will be whole and in the company of loved ones who have gone on before.
I will be spending eternity with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you don't know Him on a personal basis -- pray and ask God to forgive your sins. Read your Bible, you can trust God's Holy Word! And, one day we will meet on the other side of this life.
My friend, if I can be of any help, in explaining salvation, please feel free to email me at: [email protected]. I love and pray for my readers and I want you to have the hope that I have!
Someday, our pain will end!! Keep believing and never give up!