The morning air was crisp, even though the sun glistened and its rays bounced off my front windshield. I popped a cd into my van's player and listened as Gold City sang, "Through the Windows of Home."
I'm not sure why, but the tears began to flow as I thought about my family and friends that have passed away. Was I mourning their loss that was so near to my heart or was I longing to see my Savior and those who were already rejoicing in His presence!
The familiar chorus began:
"I see a city, I see my home. I see my blessed King, there on His throne. Looks like my loved ones want me to come home, there's a joy in me, the world can not see through the windows of home."
Once more I was reminded, that this world is not my home. I truly am just passing through on my way to my final destination -- I'll be going to my ultimate, heavenly home!
Home, it's just a word but then again, it's so much more. Home is a place filled with warmth and love. It's a place where family and friends dwell together. A place to kick off your shoes and relax from the days hectic events. Home is where the heart is!
Home also denotes heaven and that means I will see the one who gave everything for me! I will meet my Savior "face to face!" He who has kept me through the ills and the wonders of this life. I will meet Him, I will reside with Jesus!
The song makes me just a bit homesick. I'm sure if you listen and if you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, you might just feel the same way!
So, I've written the lyrics and the given you the url to Gold City's presentation of, "The Windows of Home." Just click on the link below and to listen: (Be blessed my friend!)
The Windows of Home
I hear God's children rejoicing - those who have walked many miles. I look in amazement at the joy in their countenance what is behind their smiles? With tears in their bright eyes and the joy they just can't hide they tell their story to me. For Jesus just opened the windows of heaven and from that distance shore I can see.
I see a city, I see my home, I see my blessed King there on His throne; looks like my loved ones want me to come home. Theres a joy in me the world just can't see through the windows of home. (Theres a joy in me the world just can't see through the windows of home)
I listen to all they were saying, What wonder their words held for me. As the picture unfolded and I stood beholding the splendor of that heavenly scene. And now I can see why through even the hard times that vision of heaven is clear. Just once glimpse of my Jesus through the windows of heaven and all the cares of this world disappear.