Our seasons of great need call for persistent times of devotion and prayer. To start our day, to continue throughout our day and to end our day with God is paramount, marvelous wisdom!
David is telling us that he will be steadfast in his prayer times. He will be mindful throughout his day to talk with God. David was aware of his enemies and their plot against him (Psalms 55:10), therefore he would be relentless in continuous prayer.
David would cry aloud. He was very earnest in his pleas to God. He knew that the heart of God would read his own heart.
David knew God would hear his cry. He was confident that he would prevail; he makes no question that he would be heard and he speaks as if already his prayers were answered. David was confident in his pleas to God.
When we pray, we open a window towards heaven, and the window of heaven is than opened to us. When we have a pleading heart, we can be assured that God will have a bountiful hand!
God knows before we ask, what we need! He just longs for us to reach out to Him throughout our day!