PSALM 23:4
It was a bright sunny beautiful day, so a father took his two small children into the city. He noticed his little boy and girl
seemed afraid of all the noise and the traffic, especially the large trucks.
He stopped at a corner and asked his children what they feared. The little girl quickly said, "The big trucks!"
Their father took each child by the hand and told them to look where they were standing when the next big truck came by. They were in the truck's shadow, and nothing could hurt them as long as they were on the sidewalk and in the shadows of the vehicles passing them by.
So it is with death; we walk in the "valley of the shadow of death," and we have nothing to fear as long as we are walking with our Lord and Savior.
In Psalm 23:2, David stated that he trusted the Lord for his most basic essential need--food. Now, we see that his trust goes beyond sustenance for the body. He also has placed in God's hands the spiritual and psychological aspects of his life.
Spiritually, the Good Shepherd leads the believer to a way
that pleases God. It is the way that fears the Lord and is, consequently, the discernment. While the unbeliever stumbles along the way because of his darkened understanding, the believer follows the footsteps of his Shepherd, in whom dwells all wisdom.
We are surrounded by fear in many situations. But there is comfort for those who trust the Lord; God rids us of those fears.
The believer goes through financial, physical, social, and psychological troubles, but all the while, we know that our Shepherd is always by our side.
TODAY: Christian Believer, you are never alone! Hold God's hand and walk without fear today!
SONG: It Is Well With My Soul
SUNG BY: Acapeldridge