In times of troubles and trials, it is right to call out to God for help and deliverance. And, so in times of peace it is also right to give praise and thanks to the Lord.
As our relationship with the Lord grows, we will find that His grace and our faith will carry us through any trials we may face.
The relationship that we build in heaven will be readily available to us in times of trouble. It will be there when we need to trust God for the answers.
As we place our trust in God and in His written Word, we will find that our trust replaces fear and God becomes our helper and deliverer in times of trouble.
The seasons of our lives bring troubles and triumphs! We must learn to trust God in our difficulties and to praise Him in our celebrations.
Thus, we build a life that can withstand adversities and a life that will excel in expectation and assurances. Our heart will fall into place and our riches will be in Christ Jesus!