LUKE 9:10
This scene may look matter of fact on paper, but it must have glistened with child-like fervor in real life. Remember how Jesus sent the twelve disciples on a mission to heal diseases and cast out demons at the very beginning of this chapter?
Well, Luke tells us here that they've finally returned, and I bet they raced back as fast as they could, out of breath, outrunning each other, chomping at the bit to tell the Lord every little detail.
I think Jesus embraces them one by one and says something like, "Slow down, Peter--wait a minute, John--hold on, Andrew, let Matthew speak...", in the same way that we as parents embrace our kids when they rush through the door and barrage us with details of some exciting venture.
In fact, there's nothing remarkable about the disciples' delight here; the remarkable thing is that Christ Jesus effectively sits down and listens to them tell their stories that He already knows full well.
Christ not only shares His special assignments with us but He also shares in our delight when they're completed. Will we take up our cross and follow Jesus??
TODAY: Revel in His love for you and I!
SONG: O How He Loves You And Me
SUNG BY: (Silo Sessions)