I usually sleep lightly and the slightest noise will wake me up... but this night was different! I fell into a very deep dreamland, and it was nothing that I would call a "peaceful slumber!" I felt submerged and there was a creepy, eerie feeling in my spirit that went straight to my bones.
A blanket of darkness cloaked the wickedness and evil that went through me instantaneously! I began to shake as I heard a voice telling me to "come closer," yet my ankles were bound making it very difficult to move.
I began slowly walking towards a circle when I noticed vivid hues of bright orange and yellow flames, and the smell of sulfur engulfed my nostrils. I could smell the very distinct stench of burning flesh. I felt like I was screaming, "get me out of here" but no one seemed to hear me.
I began looking for a way out but there was none that I could see. The people around me seemed to be partying, one woman in particular had her hands up and she was moving as if dancing, having fun and I felt led to go to her.
Still, that uncanny frightening feeling was all going through me and I didn't want to go any further into this place. However, the urge within me was to go to her, and so I did. I felt the chains around my ankles hinder me from moving quickly.
When I finally got to her, I realized she was screeching and wailing. Her pain was unmistakable and clearly visible, I saw the flesh on her body burn until it fell to the ground--but instantly it was right back on her body just burning over and over again!
She was waving her arms and screaming trying to set herself free from the chains that had her bound. It was no use, she looked at me and squealed, "I should have listened to them telling me about this hell! I should have accepted their Jesus!"
Her eyes met mine and without speaking a word, we both knew there was nothing to be done. Hell was now her life, it was too late to make a decision now!
My body began trembling and shaking, my fists clenched tightly as if holding onto my own sanity. My eyes opened and I screamed for my husband to come and pray for me. I couldn't explain what had happened, I just told him to call friends to pray for me.
God had just shown me what HELL was like, funny I remembered always wondering how someone could burn forever and ever. However, God made it very clear to me.
Seeing Heaven had been gloriously wonderful and easy--but when I saw those people in hell and especially that woman, I had a question for God. I asked, "God, the people will think I'm crazy seeing hell! I need you to give me a Word from the Bible to back this up please?"
God answered with the following, "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked." I quickly looked for that verse in my Bible... when I found, Psalm 91:8
"If you should die tonight... Where would YOU spend Eternity??" You don't need religion, you don't need to be religious... YOU NEED A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. JOHN 3:16
And saying, The time is fulfill, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. MARK 1:15
If you would like information on how to accept Jesus as your Personal Savior -- Repent of your Sin -- and spend Eternity in Heaven when you die, please contact me by using my contact page.
BELOW: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
By: Chris Tomlin