I'm not sure where I might be right now if I didn't know the Lord Jesus on a personal level. In prior times my life in this world was tough and relationships were most challenging... if not impossible for me.
Bewildered subsequently from abuse, I was alienated from not only myself, but from any hope of having a meaningful life. In my thinking I could no longer endure living, exhausted in mind and body suicide was all I thought about.
Unable to articulate what I was going through, I struggled hard with my own thoughts and feelings. Then the tumult of my mingled emotions intensified into a flood of tears and sobbing that seemed endless to me.
A wolf in sheep's clothing had attacked, much like the Grey Wolves that will attempt to assault a young Musk Ox. However, if the herd spots a wolf pack soon enough, they have a chance to deploy an effective defensive strategy.

The defense is only broken if the wolves manage to get the Oxen on the run. The Musk Oxen live in herds of around 10-20 animals and otherwise are some very social animals, still they know when they must "gather together" in order to protect their own.
Winter herds can grow and contain over 70 animals of both male and females for protection not only from the cold weather, but from any and all enemy intrusions from predators like the brown Grizzly Bear and Polar Bears.
Now, there came a time when King Herod Agrippa, the king of the Jews had arrested some of those that belonged to the church with every intention of killing them. King Herod had already had James, the brother of John executed with a sword.
Having seen that the killing of James had pleased the Jews, he proceeded to have Peter arrested also. However, this was during the Passover week, so when they seized Peter they put him in prison with four squads of soldiers of four each to guard him.
King Agrippa's plan was to kill Peter after Passover, but what he didn't know was that the early Christians had "gathered together" for fervent and persistent prayers were made to God just for Peter.
The very night before Herod was going to bring Peter to him for execution. Still, as Peter was sleeping between the soldiers bound and chained there suddenly appeared an angel of the Lord. A light shone into Peter's cell, as the angel awakened him, saying, "Get up quickly!"
The chains fell off Peter's hands and the angel once again spoke to him, "Prepare yourself, put on your sandals and your robe and follow me." Peter went out following the angel, thinking this was a vision, he did not realize the prayers of the people who had "gathered together" were being answered and he was freed and the angel was gone!!
People gathering to pray for one another is one of the most important things we can do for one another. I know that Christian friends prayed me through some really tough battles.
And now it is my privilege to pray with you and for those of you who are going through attacks that can only be stopped by intercessions and petitions made before our Lord Jesus Christ!! Though God answers prayers in His timing... NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP!!
You may have intense physical pain, your marriages may be in trouble, your children may have gone astray, those of you who have unsaved loved ones, terminal illnesses or whatever you may be facing this very day you are not alone!!
And,I am not alone in praying for you, there are many people devoted to interceding on your behalf... even our Lord Jesus. Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25
This verse and others like it, tells us that although Christ's work to secure the salvation of the elect was completed on the cross, as evidenced by His final cry, "It is finished!" John 19:30 Jesus's love and care for His redeemed children will never be finished until the final day of His appearing!
Feel free to send me your prayer requests. Just email me at [email protected] I will place your name in my prayer book and pray daily for whatever needs you may have. God's blessings be yours today!