2 Corinthians 6:14
There once was a mouse that had his home near a pool in a very thick forest. Very often a frog would come out of the waters to bask in the sunshine. It wasn't long before the two became good buddies.
But, the friendship of a frog and mouse is highly undesirable because the frog's home is in water and the mouse lives on land.
One day the frog said to the mouse, "Let's bind ourselves together with a string so that we may never get separated!" Very quickly, the mouse agreed!
So, both the frog and the mouse tied themselves together leg-to-leg. When they were on land everything went quite well, however in the pool, it turned tragic for the mouse. The frog swam about delightfully, dragging the mouse with him.
All to soon the mouse drowned and his body floated on the surface of the waters. Not long after the mouse died, a white tailed kite saw the dead mouse and swooped down to carry it off. Along with the mouse... went the frog as well.... and they both became the kite's meal.
When our friendships with unbelievers becomes "preferential" to those of our own faith, we open the door to danger. I am not saying we need to get rid of all our unsaved friends... not at all! I am saying that when we "fasten or attach" ourselves to friends that are scoffers, we will find ourselves standing on thin ice.
When we unite with friends that do not have a foundation in Christ Jesus, we open ourselves up to their lifestyles. We may find ourselves in compromising positions if our footing is not properly grounded in the Word of God!
Imagine for a moment... You are the mouse and your friend is the frog. Do you find yourself in compromising situations just to accommodate your friendship? Are you so attached to this person... that you are willing to "step into the waters of his or her lifestyle that may cause you to drown?"
If you are the mouse... and your best friend is the frog.... who do you think the Kite is in this relationship? Well of course, it is the devil! He is just waiting for you to fall into a situation where he can swoop in and destroy your life!
So what harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be partnered with an unbeliever? The answer is simple, "they can't!" If we are to live for the Lord Jesus Christ -- we need a healthy and powerful relationship with Him. We also need a strong backbone!
If happiness is our primary goal in friendship -- it will dwindle as soon as our cheer ends. If seeking acceptance is our primary goal in friendship -- it will taper off as soon our recognition is gone. Our goal should be to seek friendships that will Glorify God and will illustrate and exemplify His love.
Ask yourself -- are my relationships "self-centered" as the world would have them to be... or are my relationships "Christ centered" as the Lord would have them to be?? If your connections are the latter... you will find that they will flourish and bring more joy into your life than you could ever have imagined!