Wednesday, January 23, 1991 - Dad had been out of the hospital for two weeks now. His condition seemed to be stable and he had fulfilled all the wishes he had made while he was in the hospital. He had that 'freshly brewed cup of coffee, mom's home cooked meal and he was able to attend church this past Sunday and testify of all that God was doing for him.'
Still, I felt bad as I hung up the phone, my dad had wanted me to come over and cut his hair but I was so busy that evening. I had a list of things to do before church that evening and I had not even thought about what I was going to cook for dinner.
The phone was ringing once more as I took the chicken out of the freezer. My dad wanted to know if I could come over after church to cut his hair. I wondered why my dad was being so persistent over this matter. I finally asked him, "Where in the world are you going that you must have your hair cut today? Can't it wait till morning?" Before our conversation ended he made me promise to come over first thing in the morning to cut his hair, and I told him I would be there bright and early!
The next morning I struggled to open my eyes as the phone rang in the distance. I smiled as I thought about how tenacious my dad could be, then I picked up the phone and couldn't believe what I was hearing and my heart sunk.
"Daddy is not up yet, and I don't know if I should wake him up?" Usually the aroma of coffee brewing was enough to wake my dad. I tried to hold back the terror in my voice, as I asked my mom if she had checked in on him. When she said no, I told her to go check now!
When she came back to the phone, she simply stated, "He's not moving, I think daddy is dead." So many unknown emotions were bubbling up inside of me. All too quickly I felt light-headed and sick to my stomach. I told her to hang up the phone and go check to see if he was warm. I immediately hung up and called 911.
Then I called my mom back and told her the ambulance and I were on my way. Before I left, I quickly called my pastor and asked if he could meet me at my parents home. I wasn't sure if I could face this alone.
As I drove around the last curve in the roadway, I could see that our Pastor's car was already in my parent's driveway. I also saw the cars of friends who volunteered with me on the ambulance squad.
Our pastor came out the front door, just as I pulled into the driveway. A cold shiver went up my spine, as I realized I was not prepared for what he would have to say. But, words were not necessary when I saw the look on his face.
My dad's last wish to have his hair cut, was not done by me. My heart was broke and I didn't think it would ever heal.
During the following days and weeks, I lived what I had been taught for most of my life. I let myself be totally immersed in the love of my Savior, Jesus Christ. As I stayed in His presence, there was a beauty that I had never known, His comfort was a soothing oil that brought a new kind of joy into my heart and as I praised him for what He was doing and for having had a wonderful father the heaviness began to dissipate.
I often think about that hair cut my dad wanted so very badly, and I wonder if he had a glimpse of what was to be that Thursday morning. This I do know...
my dad's greatest wish and hope was to be with Jesus and he is there in heaven waiting for all his loved ones to join him! To God be the Glory!