I grew up attending a small country church that was set in the most charming woodlands of Freehold, New Jersey. My childhood memories beam just thinking about the tiny church set in the thicket!
The LOVE that percolated in the graceful halls of that particular church and the marvelous body of Christians still remains tightly tucked in my heart.
I anxiously participated in the children's choir and one specific day I was asked to sing a solo. Whilst singing with a group of children I did fine, but oh how my knees quivered and my throat tightened when asked to sing alone.
There were many times in my life when I wanted to give up singing. Yet, there my dad was cheering me on frequently and continuously, not only in my elementary days but throughout his entire lifetime.
And once I realized that knowing the songs I would sing inside and out, I was able to sing more confidently.
On the morning he died in 1991 I received a phone call asking how I wanted to schedule the recording appointment that my dad had tried to set up for me. Dumbfounded, my heart aching I hung up the phone, never even thinking to ask for a return number.
By some means my dad had artfully finessed his way into mine and my husbands occasional singing in public, into a full time ministry singing in every church he wrote to.
Just a few months after his death, I found myself talking to a young man who had a recording studio about one mile from our home. Yes! I asked him when we could record a few songs that were some of my dad's favorites.
God the Father's compassion and love reaches down into our hearts and lives imploring us to make room Him. His tenderness towards us lead to His sending His only son to be the atonement for everyone's sins.
This sacrifice allows ALL who will receive His mercy to find the joy and peace Christ promises. And, like my earthly Father, God my heavenly Father will not give up on anyone seeking Him.
He waits patiently for anyone willing to hear His call to salvation and restoration. Sometimes people believe God will not hear their prayers because of their own sin and evil deeds. However, God's love can transform all people -- no matter their guilt and shame.
Love poured out of heaven and rescued me one day, sometimes it feels like yesterday when I accepted Jesus into my heart and life. I just know that when we receive Jesus and the Father's love for us, we also obtain and accept His forgiveness of our sins, leaving behind ALL our remorse and disgrace!