There is no one English word that describes the deepest parts of the earths oceans... but geologically they're usually referred to as the "deep-sea trenches." The deepest one is called the "Mariana Trench." Mariana just happens to be a Spanish or Italian girls name for Mary, Mother of Jesus and I am sure she must have pondered and endured the deep trenches of her heart... as she saw her son beaten and crucified.
We all have those deep corridors in our hearts... I call them the "deep-me-trenches" where only God can truly see and understand. Places where I had hidden and buried my own hurts and pain... still Jesus knew those areas that had been battered and bruised. He longed to enter and bring healing to the memories that I did not care to recall. My heart was so much like those fathomless seas... where well beyond the shallow surfaces, the waves of all my emotions would ebb and flow as a constant reminder of my years of abuse.
However, I am not alone... many of us hold the harms we have endured... and the unimaginable wrongdoings in those deep-me-trenches of the heart. If we are not careful we will find ourselves dwelling in those exploitations and corruptions... instead of living peacefully in Christ Jesus. He wants us to give the horror to Him... He wants to heal our deepest wounds... if we will allow Him to. I know... because He has healed those places within me.
If you find yourself dwelling and agonizing over past hurts... I would urge you to run quickly to Jesus and seek His healing and deliverance for those things which you had no control over. Don't spend another day with thoughts that depress and afflict you. God knows your heart intimately through and through... He knows the "deep-me-trenches" that you buried and He longs to pour out His healing mercies so that you can dwell in His love... instead of your pain.
Come to the places where you can praise God... where you can shout for joy on the Rock who has saved you. Enter into His presence singing praises,
with hands lifted up to Him. Our God holds the deepest caves in one hand and in the other He holds the highest mountain tops. O come, let us worship
together and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Let us arise to the mountain tops and praise our creator for all that He has done for us!