There lived a crow on top of a tall tree, which he loved. He would spend hours watching all the birds fly about. Still, he had one particular bird that always caught his interest, it was the eagle.
Everyday he would sit and watch with utter wonder, the acts of the eagle! The eagle had a nest high up on a mountain top, much higher than his tall tree. He would swoop down from the cliffs to get hold of his dinner and fly up again all in one fair go.
The crow was totally amazed by the feat of the eagle. After watching the daring acts, he was excited and inspired to imitate and follow the eagle.

from there he began to swoop down. As he descended, his speed picked up and he felt a thrill he had never known before.
However, as he came soaring downward, he found he could not control himself or his flight. Suddenly, he crashed onto the ground and found himself broken and unable to move. It wasn't very long before the crow died.
The crow was never meant to soar and swoop from great heights, like the eagle.
And, while it was a delight for the crow to sit and watch the eagle, following and imitating him, cost the crow his very own life.
As Christians, we can never forget who we are in Christ. While we want to reach out to those who do not know Jesus, we need to be cautious, when we are in the presence of those who do not share our values.
Those we regularly associate with can and do influence us. We need to ask ourselves if they are a positive or negative impact on our lives. Keeping the wrong company may corrupt our own belief system and good character.
Whether it is anger, malice, foul language, drunkenness, gossip or murmuring, the wrong behaviors of others can invade our inner being. For the most part, it's important to choose to associate with positive, God-fearing people.
Moreover, make certain that you present yourself, as God would have you to be when you are in the presence of those around you. Never lose who you are, just to be like someone you think is more affluent or prosperous.
Remember, 'Thoughtless imitation can result in danger, or even loss of life!'