until Monday. So tomorrow I will not be able to publish my blog. HOWEVER, it will be Sunday... why not go to church to seek the King, just as the Wise Men did? Need a wonderful church? If you are local in South Carolina join us at:
7027 Sumter Hwy, Alcolu, SC 29001 @ 11:00am

Maybe you didn't know that the Wise Men did not see "Baby Jesus..." We must remember, that they didn't meet Him until he was a bit older due to their long journey.
he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
So, who were these "Three Wise Men?" Traditionally the Western Christian Church commonly identifies them as:
Melchor: A Persian Scholar
Gasper: An Indian Scholar
Balthazar: An Arabian Scholar
The Bible isn't clear from where in the East the Wise Men departed for their journey, but it is most likely they came from Persia, what we know today as Iran.
A SIDE NOTE: Isn't it ironic that in that day men from that part of the world were familiar with scripture? They realized that Jesus was the much-prophesied Messiah and traveled so far just to worship Him. Yet today those who worship Jesus are persecuted by men from the same area of the world!
Matthew tells us that the Wise Men found Jesus by
following a star... which has become known to us as
"The Star of Bethlehem"
but His Star would also lead the Wise Men.
There are those who would point out that 'stars don't move'... and so many scholars today believe they followed a planet, which without a telescope could be mistaken for a star.
I on the other hand choose to believe God's Word, which states in Matthew 2:2 that it was not only a star... but it was HIS star... or "Jesus' Star!"
Now, it was customary for foreign emissaries and ambassadors to bring gifts to 'court the favor' of royalty. This was especially true at the time of royal births. So, when the Wise Men came they presented their gifts to both Joseph and Mary... for Jesus.
Each of these three gifts represented an aspect of who Jesus is and what His mission was to fulfill. We don't have any knowledge of the amounts of each gift, but... it is the message they conveyed about Jesus that is most important!
And, If you've ever been to a children's "Christmas Pageant" you might recall... three boys dressed as these wise men and they are bearing gifts. While we all know what Gold is... did you ever wonder about the Frankincense and Myrrh?? I have!
1. GOLD: Reserved for Royalty, the Wise Men had told King Herod that they were looking to see the one born, who was "King of the Jews." They recognized Jesus as being a royal but how and why? These Wise Men were scholars of the sky and its signs, the importance of the star in the sky was a sign of a magnificent and a spectacular birth. Whether the gift of gold was in jewelry... coins... or just pieces... we are not told... but the fact that it was gold... meant that Jesus was and still is Royalty!
2. FRANKINCENSE: Although an unusual gift, it was a highly valued commodity and somewhat rare. The Jewish people's use of frankincense was a direct correlation to the Worshiping of God. The Jews prayed before the "Alter of Incense..." which was always kept burning and the incense used was frankincense and when it was burning it gave off a sweet smelling white smoke. The smoke rising represents the prayers of the people rising to their God in heaven. This was the only use for frankincense... reserved for worshiping God, so in presenting it to Jesus... it shows that He alone was indeed... divine!
3. MYRRH: The most odd of gifts was extremely valuable and was used for a number of things... of which the most common use was perfume and it was sometimes used in a wealthy home to create a pleasant fragrance. The major use of myrrh was for burials... placed on the clothes to wrap bodies in for burial and to help prevent the smell of decay following death. Presented to Jesus this was to convey the fact... that one day Jesus would would be crucified to save us all from our sin... to those of
us who have accepted this gift of love from God,
Jesus became our;
Lord and Savior and King of Kings .
So we find that... the Gold represented Jesus as being Royal, the Frankincense supported the fact that Jesus was of a divine nature... and the Myrrh was the importance of the mortality of Jesus.
When these Wise Men laid down their treasures before Joseph and Mary... they also worshiped Jesus! They did not come from afar... just to court favor... but to proclaim that they believed "Jesus to be the... KING OF KINGS."
To worship... and enter into the presence of Jesus... is a beautiful element of our relationship with Him! It is there that the Holy Spirit ministers love, healing and the many blessings we receive from our Lord and Savior!
So I would ask: Who do you worship...?
And... Who do you say is your KING of KINGS?
Discover Jesus
The Visit of the Wise Men
Angels We Have Heard On High
Gaither's Music