He That Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear. MATTHEW 11:15
2020 has been a very trying year to say the least. It has been a year, I think, we ALL wish would end quickly so we could get back to business as usual!
Who would have said, “Happy New Year,” knowing it would be the year that every life was affected by Covid-19 or the Corona-virus. So many would be sick with the virus, we may know someone who had the virus, or hear of someone who had died from it. Did any of us think that our great nation would be closing our schools, our businesses, and even our Borders... etc.”
Now, let me step back in time for a moment. In 2016 I was admitted to the hospital with a simple asthma attack and
then was told by doctors that I would not leave the
hospital alive as my heart was only functioning 30%.
However, God spoke to me, He said,
"It is the church that is dying and functioning only at 30%."
So, I was alive to PRAY... To be an Intercessor!!
I added three specific things to my daily prayers and I would pray earnestly for the answers! But, I also asked myself
"Where is the Church?"
1. Abortion Laws needed to be completely reversed as we've lost 50 million babies since the early 1970's and we lose approximately 125,000 babies every year.
(That's more than the 11 million Jews lost in the Holocaust)
2. The LGBTQ--As President Obama had the audacity to light up the "Peoples White House" with the iconic rainbow of the gay pride flag following the Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage.
(President Obama Is looking to destroy the USA,
LOOK UP the OFA and you will see his true agenda!)
3. Child pornography - pornography in general simply because it is so easily accessed on the internet--children can do it. And, I believe that "Sex-Trafficking" became extreme and actively alive in our country because of pornography!
The following Scriptures kept running through my mind!
"All these are the beginning of sorrows.
MATTHEW 24:8 (KJV)" or
"All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.
I prayed, "God we Need Divine help. Our nation needs You!"
On June 27, 2020, God spoke once more to me. Please, hear what God was saying, "The remnant is so small, but I hear, I hear their crying out fervently and fiercely... calling upon my Name. Active Labor is upon the land. I Am... is moving in it!"
For those of you who don't know or understand a woman's physical labor pains (and they are all different from one woman to another) the following are the stages:
- Braxton Hicks: Minor contractions will usually start in the third trimester... just a sign birth will be coming.
- Early Labor: The beginning of birth or labor pains.
- ACTIVE LABOR: This is when hard contractions begin and it's time to head to the hospital as birth is imminent or emergent.
- Transition: Active labor that leads to the Birth of a
New life!
REMEMBER, what God has spoken to my heart, to many others and through His Word that, "WE ARE IN ACTIVE LABOR"!
Christ's return is imminent!! It may be this year
or it may be in a few years, but JESUS Will Return!!
Tomorrow: Looking For "The Blessed Hope - When Jesus Returns - Part 2
BELOW: The King Is Coming (LIVE) - Gaither Vocal Band