Jesus is asking us to "seek Him daily" just as the Israelites went out to look for their daily supply of manna, He wants us to gather and be thankful for... "He who is our daily bread!" Jesus also instructs and urges us not to seek or labor for the "bread that easily spoils," and still we try to do just that!
Our prayer is to faithfully be... Give us this day our daily bread. MATTHEW 6:11 focus on "taking one day at a time with Jesus," trust and feast on His capability to take us through confidently and with hope!
So, while "Give us this day our daily bread" contains bread for our physical needs, "Jesus is also calling us to feast on Him, Our Spiritual Bread!" He is the bread that leads us to living life more abundantly and "stress-free!"
And, Jesus is not like the "manna" that was given to God's children in the wilderness, which dwindled when the blazing hot sunlight came out. On those days, that seem so quick to turn grizzly for us, Jesus says, "Come, feast on me, I am your bread of life!"
We can give Him our failures, disappointments, and all our mistakes of the day... when we learn to sit regularly and faithfully in His presence. And, we will find tranquility in our depressing and frazzled days, because they are covered by the precious blood of Jesus!
Don't dwell on the gaffes, the blunders of the day or the indiscretions of the past... seek the one who is quick to forgive us and forget our iniquities. See: HEBREWS 8:12
Manna was the "heavenly bread" that describes the nature and character of Jesus Himself! Then Jesus declared, "I Am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35 (NIV)
The "house of God" is unquestionably the absolute "house of bread" and Jesus is the Head! He came to earth as the trustworthy and perfect bread from God so that we might daily sit at His feet and feast!!!
The disciples yearned to know Jesus more intimately, they thought that seeing Him as He truly was would make it easier to commit themselves to Him.
Jesus' response was clearly understandable, "My Father is presently offering you the bread from heaven... the real bread! The Bread of God that came down from heaven and daily offers and gives life to this world!"
Still not clearly grasping Jesus' words, the disciples were quick to ask, "Master, give us this bread now and forevermore"! Jesus opened his heart and said, "I am the Bread of Life... and, He who aligns with my hunger and thirsts no more, not ever"!
He told them openly and plainly, because even though they had seen Jesus in action... they doubted. They were similar to so many of us, they honestly didn't believe Him on the inside.
Still, every person that God the Father has given to Jesus, over time will come running to Him. Once that person is with Him, He will hold firmly to their hand and not let go.
Jesus came down from heaven to accomplish the will of the One who sent Him... He came to earth to save you and me!
So my friends, "Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. John 6:37
Don't misuse your days or your energy striving for perishable food. Work for the food, that as my grandmother used to say, "sticks to your ribs," food that will sustain your life until the day you meet your "life-giver"!
Your failures, your horrendous days, your mistakes... hand them over to Jesus so He will cover them with His blood that forgives and remembers no more!
"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more". Isaiah 43:25
Can you say, AMEN?