In actuality supplications are simply our pleas, and appeals that we offer up to God in our prayers!
On all accounts, children of God, are charged to pray at all times! This includes, but is not limited to: good times or bad, joyful or sad, healthy or sick; in seasons of rest, prosperity and even in times of poverty or when our spirits our low as in mourning, we are still appointed to pray!
No matter what our situation or circumstances happen to be, we are instructed in God's Word, to always be in prayer.
1 THESSALONIANS 5:17 Pointedly instructs us to
"Pray Without Ceasing!"
There is a difference between saying a prayer and
interceding on someone's behalf or for a critical need.
Prayer and intercession have similarities and differences between the two of them, which makes it challenging at
times to dissect the two.
Prayer, as most people know it is essentially about just
talking to God one-on-one, God is quite delighted to hear
even a child's simple, but very meaningful prayer! Our
prayers or appeals and petitions implore God's assistance
not only for our personal needs but help for the needs of
others also! Prayers connect and link us to God.
As we determine to pray daily, we cultivate and build our
relationship with God, in essence, we initiate a greater
fellowship through communication with Him.
Whereas our intercessions specifically implores God on behalf of others and with "Thanks-giving" which requires active gratitude in the form of worship. Although it may require a sacrifice on our part, it also brings us into a deeper fulfillment with our Lord Jesus.
When you encounter difficult people in your workplace, in your family, in school, or even in the church as those needing a touch of Christ in their lives. PRAY! Lift your prayers up on their behalf that they would come to know the Lord
Jesus Christ and His love for them!
Insomuch as we are praying for changes in someone's life, we are apt to find that interceding on their behalf, might happen quickly, but for the most part it may take hours or even a great number of years. Loyalty, devotion and love for the people we are praying for, keeps us dedicated towards interceding on their behalf.
Intercession is a part of prayer, in that it includes and involves not only talking to God, but listening to Him for His response, this is why so very often it can become bewildering and complex and to this extent intercession is prayer. However, it goes deeper and this is where you will find the differences occur.
Intercession involves "standing in the gap, an intervention,
where we actually step in on somebody else's behalf through
prayers. Note, while we can all say prayers for people when we are with them or even when we are not, intercession
goes much deeper.
The spirit of intercession is a privilege as it implores us to carry the trials, anxieties and the sufferings of other people!
Intercession can be characterized in other ways also. When the need is greater, when the person we love is unsaved an on their way to a hellish end, our interceding becomes first and foremost in our daily praying.
My first intercession came in the night hours, God was speaking to my heart to pray for people in a place called Eritrea. I didn't even know where that was, but I went into prayer for the people and whatever it was that they needed. I prayed in a nine hour span of time for a people and a land I knew nothing about!
I'm not sure if I dreamed what was happening or God was showing me... but I saw a building that was fenced in and a group of soldiers with large guns forcing the people into the fenced area, they were about to use force on these poor people... But, even as I prayed I saw a what looked like a huge cushion between the soldiers and the people.
(The very next morning a I received an email from a woman
in Eritrea who was a missionary there. She thanked me for my
prayers and said, "Not one of us was injured and we all
got away from the soldiers! Thank You for obeying the Lord
in your prayers for us! It truly was an answer to my own prayers")
Don and I looked at the globe, we had for Eritrea the very next morning after I read her email. We found that Eritrea was located in the Horn of Africa. It bordered to the northeast and east by the Red Sea, Sudan to the west, Ethiopia to the south, and Djibouti to the south east.
I found intercessory prayer may take you anywhere in the world where God's people need help. And, should He put on my heart to pray... that is exactly what I will do.
So you see, intercession is not only talking with God about a certain person or matter, it is asking God for His healing powers, His infinite mercy or really anything for an immediate and important need for His children anywhere in the world. All God is asking us for is our heart and our time to care and to pray!
Our 'PRAYERS' could change precious lives and circumstances!
Why not choose a person to cover, in your prayers today, what a difference our Lord can make in just one prayer and just one life!